· Hematuria is when red blood cells are found in the urine. There are two types of hematuria, gross and microscopic. Hematuria can be managed after your doctor is able to identify the underlying cause. Your provider will ask you a number of questions and run tests to best identify the cause of the hematuria. Be sure you’re open about your health history, symptoms and risk factors. This will help you and your doctor select the best treatment plan.
Hematuria is when red blood cells are found in the urine. There are two types of hematuria, gross and microscopic. Gross hematuria is when red blood cells give urine a pinkish, red or cola color. It’s often the cause of problems in the lower part of the urinary tract, such as the bladder and prostate, but can also come from the kidney. Microscopic hematuria is when blood is present but may not be visible to the eye. It can come from anywhere in the urinary tract, from the kidneys to the urethra.
There are several causes associated with hematuria
· Urinary infection
· Enlarged prostate in older men
· Kidney or bladder stones
· Periods in women
· Prostate infection
· Kidney disease
· Kidney trauma
· Bladder cancer
· Kidney cancer
· Blooding thinning drugs
· Anti-swelling drugs
· Tough workouts
Hematuria can sometimes signal a serious health issue, such as a tumor in the kidney or bladder. Your health care provider will want to rule this out, so be open about your health history, symptoms and risk factors. Risks for hematuria include
· Smoking (past or current)
· Exposure to chemicals in the workplace
· Radiation for pain in the pelvic area
· Ongoing pain, infection or past pelvic disease
· Urinary tract infections that don’t go away
Hematuria can be managed after your doctor is able to identify the underlying cause. Your health care provider will ask you a number of questions and possibly run tests to best identify the cause of the hematuria you’re experiencing. This will help you and your doctor select the best treatment plan.